Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Ugly Sweater Party

There exists some impressively ugly knitwear out there, people.
Last Saturday night at Davies Uptown, the Kansas City Roller Warriors held a fundraising party and broke $3 bucks off your entry fee if you came in wearing something as putrid and fantastically passe as the little number pictured above. We witnessed a sweater that had some kind of knit dingleberries hanging off it and the words "VOGUE!" across it in purple. I think it was a cardigan. Bleh. There was actually an ugly sweater contest going on, and the winner was this dude wearing a sweater that looked like panels of stained glass, with sparkly details and more dingleberries, which are perhaps now, endangered, but were at one time prolific sweater-enhancers. Anyway, I don't know what that guy's prize was for having the ugliest sweater, but I hope he won matches and a metal trash can so that he can put it out of its sparkly misery.

Monday, January 29, 2007

This is what this week's gonna feel like

Thursday, January 25, 2007

A change coming to Westport

The Westport VIP ent. company asked our homie Miles to spin at America's Pub last night. That's right. America's Pub. Yes that same place were you see tube tops and mini skirts stading in line with tall tees and striped shirts on the corner of Westport. The same place i thought i would never step foot in. EVER! But i have to admit that besides the bad "eagle" art and some busted TV screen walls...the place isn't that bad. At least when it's not packed with Westport's finest drunks and posers.
I met up with Dara and the Nads to check out what Miles was spinning and he was on point for sure. I started day dreaming of a place and time where the KC underground scene would seep into the mainstream and inject a lil "style" into the normal club dj routines. It would be refreshing to not have to party in a hole in the wall or dive bar to hear some dope music. Miles hopes to be able to avoid playing any song by anyone named "lil" or "Young". Lets hope that lasts. I think Wesport can get down to Stevie Wonder / Talib Kweli / the Neptunes and Chromeo for at least one night of the week. Westport VIP should stay the course and keep Miles...with a few more weeks of promotion the photographers won't have to bunch up the 5 random people at the bar and squeeze them together for a party shot to make the place look packed.
To read more about Miles in the Star click the link below.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Spring is coming...

It doesn't seem like it anytime soon...but this guy is ready for it!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Hip-Hop and Hot Wings and belly buttons and ass cracks.

Thanks for the pic miles!

Thanks for the video Miles. Check out Milesbonny.com for more pics.

Tonight was some kid's 21st birthday at HH&HW, so Ashley, the bartender upstairs, was treating him right....by pouring shots of well vodka into her skinny skater boys' belly buttons as they laid on the bar...and then Birthday Boy would slurp the vodka out. It was a lot more Jackass than it was gay, I promise.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

But for two seconds it did remind me of that scene in Hot Shots where Charlie Sheen is frying an egg on that chick's abs...but I digress...

So then, some dude tried to take it to another level, as skater boys are wont to do, by pulling his pants down and inserting a full shot of vodka so that it was triangulated between his two ass cheeks and his belt that he'd scootched to mid-ass. Just as Birthday Boy went in for his shot, teeth first, the guy kneeling on the bar stuck a hand behind him and mashed Birthday Boy's face into his butt. And just then, Adrienne walked in to settle her tab and was like.......WTFIT.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Ya'll Just Ain't Ready

Gas Leak at Jilly's?

Seriously, call someone from MGE to go check that shit out, because people were acting inordinantly ar-tarded last night at Jilly's.

Me and Sike walk in, after seeing "Letters to Iwo Jima," dead sober, at like 11:20. Tactic's spinning. Great! But there's only like 30 people in the bar, and one squat girl dancing. When I say "dancing,' what I really mean is "stumbling to something that vaguely resembles a beat." Some guy trips past, walking as though he's got an anvil in one pocket, spilling a dollop of beer out of his plastic cup with every step, til one of his friends sits him down.

So naturally, we figure we need a drink. Two shots of patron and two Pabsts. The bartender, a really pretty brunette woman, serves us cheerily, but she's kind of got a Paula Abdul slurring thing going on, too. After our shot, she comes and grabs the salt shaker, and then, as if we still needed it, she's like, "Oops! It's right there. It's not going anywhere," and leaves it for us. Uhh, thanks.

Did you know Paula Abdul is Syrian and Jewish? Me neither. Ah, Wikipedia. Anyway.

So then this blond girl, who I found out later was a friend of Sike's ex, starts talking to him. I have a thing where I don't like it if people bust in and start talking to my boyfriend without at least acknowledging me first, if I'm standing right there, so I just ignore her and start surveying the room. I watch this dude nearly take out a table falling face first on the floor. What are these people drinking, arsenic? Lead paint chips mixed in antifreeze? Did Budweiser change the recipe to lithium instead of hops? WTF.

Next thing I know, Sike is PULLING me across the room, straight fleeing that blond girl who was talking to him, and she has this surprised look on her face. He goes for his usual people-are-freaking-me-out hideout, by the dj table. I go sit down in a booth. The blond girl is looking at me from across the room.

Sike's hideout isn't very effective, as two girls pounce on him, cornering him. He's holding his beer in front of him like it's some magic beacon that might ward off freaks. One of the girls is the drunk one from the dance floor and I realize she's Casey, this girl who used to work at Jilly's. Only she used to be cute. This is like the Back to the Future II version of Casey, when you realize that you fucked something up in the past and now the present is this twisted, sad version of itself. A version that drank too much Tussin.

Meanwhile, some girl in a booth is having her back rubbed by her friends and has her head in her hands. Oh god, I really don't want to see any puke.

Casey's going, "I looove you! I looooove you!" I'm considering saving Sike from these girls but I'm kind of amused by the torture, and just then, the blond girl from before has crossed the room and is right in front of me.

She introduces herself (she said a name but all I heard was "wonk wonk wonk") and says, "I used to be friends with (Sike's ex). I hope I didn't freak him out, I just, I'm really into astrology and I was trying to tell him that he's the ultimate Scorpio. See, if a scorpion is backed into a corner, it would rather sting itself to death than allow you to kill it. And Scorpios are really hard on themselves and they know their faults and they'll tell you what their faults are before they let you...." wonk wonk wonk wonk.

No wonder Sike ran from this chick -- he hates astrology crap, or more accurately, the people that try to press it on you and use it like they know the first fucking thing about you. But I'm not about to tell blondie that.

She's saying, "I was just afraid that I freaked him out because the way you guys walked away, I felt like I was back in high school or something."

Uh huh.

"Maybe you understand," she says, looking at me closely. I'm thinking SIIIIKE HEEEEEEELP MEEE! "I'm a wierd one. You know, the universe speaks to me? And sometimes I know things I shouldn't know? Like before they happen?"

I was trying really hard to keep my face straight but I must have failed, because she abruptly got pissed, turned on her heel and returned to the bar. I followed her and I think she thought I was going to apologize but I looked past her at the bartender and ordered another beer. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Lawrence.com podcast

Miles Bonny interviewed SIKE, and Clint and Bill from Phenom for this pod cast...
click the image to link to the page to peep it!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

www.lawrence.com is the site to check! peace