Friday, March 31, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Chicago Carnivale

Something you might notice when you visit Chicago: everywhere you go, they're playing house music. Appropriate for the home of Frankie Knuckles, and where Mayor Daley declared a citywide day of appreciation for Chicago House. (Really!) But they're really trying to get the most out of their patented genre when it's the must-bump music in every single trendy eatery in the whole goddamn city. At least that's how it felt at Carnivale, this amazing and gigantic new restaurant that's colored like the inside of a kaleidoscope and overlooks a highway of zooming headlights. We'd offer more detail but the mojitos were wicked, wicked things.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Record Bar show 3-20-06

Judging by the crowd last night at the POS/Mac Lethal/SIMS/Dessa
show at the Record Bar, there are some mid-20s guys out there on
the hip hop circuit who remember what it was like to be 17, all full of
rage and impatience, with moods swinging from despair to elation. Thank
God the folks at the Record Bar were able to make it an 18+
show...there were more Xs on hands than at a straightedge convention. POS,
who was reppin' DoomTree and Rhymesayers, came packing all his crossover appeal,
with his emo-tinged vocals and super-fast lyricism. A little pool of
high school kids swarmed the base of the stage, singing along, hands in
the air, occasionally getting busted by Toon for trying to mosh.
We gotta admit, it went a little over our heads, or maybe we've lost
all that edge now that we're old enough to drink.
In this crowd, Mac Lethal fit right in, and not just because he's home
(with only four more shows left on a tour that began in January).
Watching Mac woo all those lil fresh-faced girls with his comic torment,
strings of rhymes like jewels in a box, we had to wonder if Mac is really
still 16 at heart, writing feverishly in a diary and
trying on different expressions in the bathroom mirror...
Monday, March 20, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Friday Night at the Green Door Gallery
Quick video-tour of the Green Door's live art show featuring Gear and Hector Casanova and Tim Rowland before he got booted off...haha.
Somebody Please Pay Attention to Percee P...

He's feeling a little neglected.
Percee P, the "legendary artist" who worked with the likes of Big Daddy Kane and recently, Jurassic 5, closed out a stellar, if undersold, show last night at the Jackpot Saloon in Lawrence. The whole lineup rocked it from start to finish (Asamov, Earatik Statik, Approach and Doujah Raze, whose soul samples got us nice n sweaty), but Percee didn't get his chance onstage until after midnight.
When he did, he proceeded to narrate his own performance, just to make sure that not an ounce of his genius was lost on his audience. When he actually did perform some of his righteously tongue-twisting, ultra-fast lyricism, it was impressive, especially coming from a guy who was rapping as fast as Outkast before some of the kids in the crowd were even born. But he didn't miss an opportunity to tell us how underappreciated his artistry has been (The Source lyric of the month! Page 17!) and it got a little tiring. I mean, when you're a long-standing artist in your own right, should you really be onstage begging college kids to Google you?
When 1:20am rolled around, the sound man cut off Percee's mic, just as the bartender flipped on the lights. "That is VERY DISRESPECTFUL, sound man!" Percee glared from the stage. I guess Lawrence, Kansas, isn't ready for Percee P. Hopefully he'll find a venue worthy of gracing with his veteran status, somewhere further along on the tour.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Monday, March 06, 2006
The 1st hard copy hit the streets this Sunday...
be sure to check out B-blaze or Prosperos books to get a copy..
or hit us up at the merch table at the peanut..
Here are the videos related to the Freelanze Ent. article. Enjoy!
be sure to check out B-blaze or Prosperos books to get a copy..
or hit us up at the merch table at the peanut..
Here are the videos related to the Freelanze Ent. article. Enjoy!
Friday, March 03, 2006
Fly Kicks...

I know this was posted a couple other places but i thought that i would pass it on to those who might stop by and check things out one WTFIT. This is a site that feat. a lil flash movie of some really slick kicks. The kind that most of us midwesterns have to catch a plane over the Rockies or the Appalachians to get. Peep these